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Auto Draft...you asked & we listened!

Twin Creek WSC now offers Automatic Bank Drafting, a hassle-free bill payment option for all Members. With Automatic Bank Drafting, the total amount of your monthly bill would be automatically deducted from your bank account then credited to your TCWSC water utility account. The biggest advantage is, there are no set-up fees or monthly charges associated with this new payment option! 

How to enroll in Automatic Bank Draft...

 Click here to print out and complete the Automatic Bank Draft Form

OR...follow steps 1-4 bellow.

  1. In your internet browser, go to twincreekwsc.org
  2. On the dark-blue navigation bar located at the top of the page, click on the “Forms & Reports” tab. From the drop-down menu, select “All Forms & Reports”.
  3. Click on the link that says, “Bank Draft Form”. 
  4. Print out the form and complete with your information. 


When your form is completed, please attach a voided check associated with the bank account you wish to draw from.Return to us by mail (PO Box 88 New Baden, TX 77870) or slide it into our drop-box, which is located to the right-hand side of our front door. 

For questions or concerns, please call Twin Creek WSC's office at 979-828-5385